Yesterday I received an e-mail from a nice lady who stumbled upon my meager blog. Googling "Winter Wheat" she'd found The Giraffe Head Tree.
Please send me one for my portfolio, I asked, and she thought that funny. It is funny, really.
This exchange whetted my appetite for those images again so I looked high and low, finally finding them on my stand-alone hard drive. Neatly archived away. Out of sight. Out of mind. Until this nice lady's e-mail.
Why do I do that? Hide my images away? Visiting these images brought back some fabulous memories. More than that I really, really like them. This is the same wheat field, two years in a row.
May 2009 I shot them in bright afternoon daylight, a coming storm looming on the horizon. Bright blue skies being gobbled up by bright white and grey clouds; golden wheat swaying in the wind. May 2010 I rose before dawn and drove to the field awaiting the sunrise. A gentle fog and rosy light made these my favorite images of all. What do you do with your favorite nature images, and what is your preferred method for a portfolio for your work? I'm really curious as clearly I'm horrid at both.