Carroll and I recently met at Huntsville Botanical Garden for bonding and lunch. After lunch we strolled through the various gardens. Lordy, it was hot so we headed for the shade gardens which were filled with various trilliums and ferns, native azaleas and hydrangeas. And mosquitoes. Still, we persevered and got some good photos.
Some were fun to play with in black & white.

The above photo is what these beauties look like planted in mass. There were yellow ones and these rusty red ones and some ... white ones, I believe.

We have no idea what this red flower is but it was planted in abundance without any signage. A low shrub with red flowers poking through the foliage. That seemed to be common - no signage. Hence my lack of identification here on my blog. I'm no Harvey Cotton.

So nice series whit flower. I think the flower is best in colour. And your is lovely! Have a nice week to you.
Oh yes, frog Buddha takes top honors. But then, the flowers are pretty spectacular, too.
So you are having to hide from the heat already? Wow! It was 45 and rainy. What crazy weather, huh? I want to go back to Arizona! :-)
Beautiful flowers and fun in B&W. Hope the Frog Buddha went home with you. Adorable.
Simply stunning photos! Kim
Beautiful back at Ya. Beauty then reflects upon Beauty which then continues to spin beauty into the world.
Loving the multiple dimensions you bring to life through art. For art, is the acknowledgement of Beauty herself.
OHHMMMM!! hahaha! love your double versions of the flowers Debi! I have that red one here this year. It is a wildflower...thank you for spuring me to get a move on and figure it out. here is what I found Indian Pink!
Now if between us we can remember it we'll be doing good!
I loved your two versions of the photos. It is fun to see black and white. I used to do a lot of b/w because I had access to a darkroom and developed my prints. I miss it.
I haven't been to the Botanical Gardens in several months. Time for another trip!
The frog Buddha is delightful.
That's a beautiful collection flowers. Very colorful and good for my eyes.
Lisa from Electric Bass Guitar
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