I am finding this area houses a great many songbirds due to the dense tree cover and the drainage creek that flows behind the house. A Yellow Breasted Chat - which I've never seen before and was only vaguely familiar with - collided with my sliding glass door last week. I hear many warblers and sparrow varieties, along with thrasher and thrush and others. The Eastern Towhee family are constant companions. Cedar Waxwings trill non-stop, and there are many bird songs I have yet to identify. It's a constant source of amazement, the music that plays outside day and night.
Down the road in a drainage creek lives a rather large snapping turtle. Rabbits, chipmunks and squirrels keep me entertained. Smaller hawks surprise me from time to time. I've heard owls but not seen them, seen bats but not heard them. The presence of so much wildlife is comforting to me.
This is a precious image. I find the soft colors so soothing.
I'm glad you are enjoying all your spring visitors so much.
Your family is way ahead of us. We are now seeing the Warblers come through and birds flying around with nesting material.
How beautiful! We had a hummingbird nest in our front yard one year. I saved the nest, but our STUPID DOGS ate it!
Lovely photo. Great job!
One year a pair of house finches tried to nest in a eucalyptus wreath I had on the front door. We discouraged it and they moved to a hanging basket, but not until after having carved out a nice hole in the back half of the wreath.
Its as if you are perfectly nested your self in the midst of the true wonders of Nature.
Music and miracle surrounds us, does it not?
Precious photo! It is so true about the music our birds create for each other . . . that so inspires our lives. I have so much fun trying to put the colors and plumes with the songs and calls. Happy Spring Debi!
Wow. I've never been much of a birder, but I am a total sucker for eggs in nests. I love the POSSIBILITIES!
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