Yesterday my Sunny Friend, Eve, and I sat on her porch and chewed the fat about Life and Gardens. We both were lamenting the fact that we simply haven't been interested in taking photos of late. Maybe the heat and humidity were keeping us indoors, but whatever. I pondered this on the way home as I drove through the mountains in a bowl of sunshine.

I bought these at the local Co-op. Their bright, sunny colors with stripes caught my attention. Never had gazanias; had never HEARD of gazanias. They want full sun and little water. They get sun, but we've been inundated with rain so they're a little bedraggled. Perhaps a little shocked. "Ma'am....we're great for xeriscaping, but NOT pots on a porch with lots of rain. Get it?"

Got it. But you look so lovely in rows of pots on my patio table, gazanias. Please perform for me? Please? I promise to take the water-catcher trays out from underneath you so that you'll not get wet feet. And I promise to photograph you a lot, okay? Your skirts are just so pretty!

Shades of red, red orange, orange, magenta, yellow and yellow-orange seem prevalent. Some have stripes and some do not. I wanted a "Duke's mixture" and that's what I got. The rainfall left pretty droplets of water in the dimming light of sunset. While the dogs were in the backyard doing what dogs need to do I amused myself with the macro lens.

You make me smile and laugh Debi. I'm so glad we're friends! I would loved to have been in that bowl of sunshine with you yesterday to see the force and delight of Mother Nature! But yes, we were running around unpluging electronics and holding tight to Daisy Lu!
Your pictures are perfect! Lovely, can't wait to see them in real life!
See you soon!
Those Gazanias remind me of Evie, bright and sunny! I think that she should adopt Gazania as a middle name! (-: You had fun with your macro Debi, glad your lunch with a friend got the photographer juices going again.
Sometimes it just takes getting a new perspective to get the creative juices going. These Gazanias could certainly do the trick with their bright colors. Never heard of them, but sure like them a lot. Excellent macros.
I am glad for all the rain we have had this year. I am always fearful of a summer drought, since we have had some bad ones. Your colorful gazanias are lovely. Happy summer!
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