Several years ago a replica of The Nina floated through and docked at Florence Marina for tours. I went due to my complete fascination with antique boats of every kind and took a few photos. Only recently have I decided to do something with the images....hence my dilemma.

I love old boats but know nothing about them. Bow and stern? Got it. Beyond that I'm hopeless. There are about 11 photos in the series and all are tight shots of various parts and pieces of The Nina. Four are displayed here for your amusement.

But I desperately need help. Yes, I've gone online and found several excellent sites that give antique boat jargon but what became quite clear to me is that I've no clue what they're saying. It's Greek to me. This calls for an Expert Of The Highest Order.

Does anyone know an expert who can assist me in naming my photos? I would like each photo's name to reflect the correct part or piece or knot or mast or whatnot. The Nina's
website has wonderful information but it, too, isn't helpful for this particular process. I'll be forever grateful and the helper may just get a free print! Many thanks!
These are all Awesome captures. I love the closeups and color you used. Sorry, but I'm no sailor. Good luck with that.
Hi Debs, I'm sorry that I can't help you with boaty jargon, but I LOVE the photos! I hope you get someone on here to help you out. Have you tried google for some boat type blogs? I wonder if Steve at Shooting my Universe could help? Just a thought.....
Greetings ladies. I've Googled but don't understand half of what they say! Like, here's one: "Deadeye - rounded wooden block with hole used to set up ship's stay." Or Downhaul - rope for holding down or hauling down a sail or spar." Now, if they had corresponding photos maybe that would help but ... this GREAT site I found had 225 nautical terms! Good heavens. So, I'm calling in the Big Guns. Help! Yeah, Steve may know - I'll give him a shout. Thanks for your comments!
These are beautiful Debi. The best I can do is say it's all some kind of rigging. I'll try to get the hubby up to take a peek...but that may take some time!
I really love the photos. They will be winners me thinks!
I love the shots you've captured and the post processing!
I wish I could help you, but I know nothing about boats.
Sorry I can't help either - but the images are stunning.
I have no clue on such matters but I do really love these photos.
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