This isn't where I was going. There was a specific destination in mind when the cameras were loaded into my car. However, there wasn't a level of excitement deep within me as I'd been to my intended destination many times before. Time hasn't been on my side of late and there was simply a deep need to get away - go outside - breathe some country air - dust off the camera and shoot something - anything -besides the backyard. Off I went, unsure but needy.

About 45 minutes from home I pull off the highway heading to my target spot. Rolling slowly through narrow roads framed by huge trees, covered in dappled lighting I'm uneasy. This just feels too .... I dunno .... planned? Safe? Ordinary? Non-adventurous? Yeah, all the above.

Restless, a little irritated and antsy it's clear my calling isn't here in this safe, albeit beautiful, place. I leave.

Instead of turning back to the highway my car is pointed west down a long abandoned roadway. Formerly a major highway, the road has been overshadowed by the newer interstate spur that parallels it. This 5 lane road is still used by fishermen and bird watchers and nature-loving men and women as it contains small dirt roads that leads you back to the Tennessee River deep into Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge.

I'm not sure why I turned left because my iCar (Yaris) can't take those small offshoot roads. I'm just searching, seeking, and a little melancholy. Even my music was depressing me (NOT NORMAL!) so I turned it off and opened the windows wide, letting in bird calls and the sounds of the forest that's beginning to close in around me.

That the road goes over a waterway is barely noticeable as the area hasn't been kept up and is sorta overgrown, the road all weedy and cracked.
What made me look to the right just as I was going over the water I'll never know. My eyes were treated to a hidden green world of dark trees, reflections, water and elephant feet. I literally gasped. Or made some little sound. Thankfully, no one was around to hear it.

I shot and shot and shot, various angles both close and wide. Running across the street to see the other side I was dumbfounded at the different kinds of greens that were waiting for me. The sunlight was shifting and rays were coming through the trees at points, the color of the water changing.

This is a place of hobbits and elves and fairies and sprites.

And elephant feet.
Downloading the images at home it took me hours to decide which ones to process. They are all decent and/or good shots because the area was so beautiful. How do YOU decide which to process, which to print and which to put on a website? Any slight change in composition simply created a different look that was equally as good - imho - as the previous image. So how do you decide?
PS I always have to stay on your site until that first Bonnie Raitt song is finished...love it. :)
Gloriously glorious, Debi! I would frame and hang any one of these beautiful shots. They look like paintings! Amazing. What a gorgeous area.
What a wondrous adventure. Always good to follow your heart instead of your head. And such a gorgeous place of rich lush greens you found. Certainly filled with little people. All excellent captures.
I find it hard to decide which ones to post, sometimes. Yet there's always the certain images that just capture me. And then again, sometimes I just post way too many.
I love the green shimmering water and the elephant's foot is perfect. What a great adventure!
Sometimes just when you think there are no moments left...they arrive! Wonderful Debi. I love the elephant feet!
I think somehow I just see the photo I want to share. It seems to stick out to me. Or I see within the photo a perfect idea.
I'm so glad you have that gift Debi!!!
Awesome! They trunks do look like Elephant feet! Now you have some Elephant feet to go with the Giraffe head. I really enjoyed your narrative. I have had the same feelings that you shared here quite a few times. Just the need to get out and explore. Great photos!
Like several others who've commented here, your words echoed what I often feel when out and about but not so much in doing the 'same old, same old' but in the good feeling and delight in enjoying the way light and shade and colour combine to make a place special....specially trees and water I think........ I'm glad you made such a discovery that day.
Thank you for stopping by my little blog. Your pictures are wonderful!
I am always treated to a great post when I visit your blog. What wonderful photos! This was the place you were meant to find. Thanks so much for sharing the green waters with the shifting light and elephant's feet!
Gorgeous, marvelous, fabulous, fantastic! What should I say? While reading blog posts I always listen music, it's a kind of combination to enjoy. But while reading this post I turn off the music, as if I'm going to miss something, I wanted to drink the beauty of that place without any interruption. I can't wait to visit the place!
As for my experience, I'm also fond of photo shooting and in fact I got my first DSLR last month and it was totally an exciting experience. I really love it. Capturing the beauty of the nature is my passion. When posting in my blog of what I took for the day, I only choose the images that can leave a great feeling to every readers/visitors of my blog. By the way, I was amaze with your photo shoot of the elephant feet, it's wonderful! =) Keep it up! I hope you can also have the concept of eco-friendly stuffs. I think that is a good way to encourage other people to save our Mother Nature. =)
Hi Debi, All of these photos are breathtaking! You happened upon a magical place, that's for sure. Elephant's Foot tree and Giraffe Head tree were both waiting for you to find them, and you did! I'm glad your otherwise routine trip turned out so well;-)
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