Above was the last sunrise I saw from our lake house before our temporary move to the city. I rose well before sunrise, made coffee and then stole outside to the deck to watch and record the sunrise. Fortunately for me it was a glorious one - all purples and magentas, pinks and violets, blues and fuchsias with a little bit of yellow and orange splashed in for contrast. The lake's surface was smooth, with ribbons of tiny ripples caused by the currents. The loons called across the waters and herons glided silently by except for the occasional croaking. An armada of coots were barely visible at the water's edge, heading westward on a mission. The Giraffe Head Tree was ever alert, her outstretched leg devoid of squirrels this early morning.
That I love this lake is evident in all that I do. It pulls on me like gravity. Eventually its tugging wins and I'm on my way, bags packed and camera charged, ready to orbit this heavenly body for a few days. Recently, our renters let hubby and I know that they would be out of town for a couple of weeks and invited me to come sit on the deck, peruse the yard and soak up the lakeside for as long as I wish. So, the first sunny and warm day we had I left this city life and took my new friend, Eve, to the lake. We had a Girl's Day Out - the third of our recent adventures!

Afterward, we drove down the lane to my buddy Carroll's house. Carroll treated us to Mojitos on the deck (YUM!) in the sunshine. Chit chatting among ourselves we were entertained by trilling birds darting about the treetops - Cedar Waxwings! Of course we got photos - these are really cropped. The waxwings would swoop off a branch to snatch a bug in midair, then roll back to a branch to finish its snack. They were such fun to watch. We did NOT get a photo of the three of us together so you know what THAT means? Yep...we have to schedule another day trip!

At this point we noticed another group of duck like birds floating westward towards us. At first we thought they were the mergansers but these guys were definitely different. Not as "pointy" as a merganser, nor as streamlined. Eve speculated what they were, then dashed to the car to get her birding book she brought and confirmed it - Blue Winged Teals. I've cropped these photos so you can get a decent look at them. They floated by in leisure fashion while the three of us excitedly pointed and laughed and took photos.

Landing. Yeah, these aren't the best photos but you have to remember we were excited!
Saying our goodbyes to Carroll, the waxwings and blue winged teals Eve and I headed back up the lane to meet my mom. Sitting on her front porch, mom poured us both a "bowl" of wine (she's very generous with her libations!) and chatted a bit - then realized we could be across the street sitting on the deck overlooking the lake! That's where we ended our afternoon on the lake, toasting to each other and the lake and the Giraffe Head Tree!

I leave tomorrow for my lake once more for there's an HOA meeting I must attend on Saturday - that's the bad part. However, during my time there I'll see lots of my friends and spend quality time with my mom - that's the GOOD part! If luck is on my side this time I'll get to go out and take some photos - there's an unexplored refuge close to Florence that's calling my name! Have a lovely week, everyone!
Love seeing you and Mur!! Give her a hug from me and know I miss you!
What a lovely spot, no wonder you are so drawn to it. That must be one of the top deck's (little joke!) in the world to sit on.
I'm sitting here with a big smile on my face...just as I did that day...all day! I loved the lake, loved meeting Carroll and Mom! That Mojito was really good and that "bowl" of wine was really big!!
Honestly, Debi, you must have a magic camera!! How do you get such great photos of tiny birds so far away!! This was such fun and you don't have to twist my arm to get me to go back!! I'm looking forward to it.
You have fun on your trip! Hi to mom and Carroll and I'll be thinking of you!!
Awesome photos, Debi! I love the Blue-winged Teals. Cedar Waxwings are one of my favorite birds.
It was great to talk with Kayla a little bit when she brought the Guinea Pigs over (the kids were thrilled to get them!). You can tell her that Spartacus and JarJar are doing great!
I feel the love. It reminds me of the way my spirit has bonded to our land on the ridge. I enjoyed reading about your beautiful special place, and the love there.
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Funny how the water beckons to some of us...like we can't resist even when we try!
Glad you had a great time, Kim
I can feel your connection and love to your lake and surrounding trees. Very dear post with friends and mother. You are a wonderful writer! I am so glad I stepped back in time to this post. Wonderful shots of the ducks! The first photo is like a dream . . . stunning!! ;>)
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