Gulf Fritillary nestled among my heavily fruited possumhaw holly, a deciduous holly native to our area. An early, crisp autumn morning this fritillary and others were dangling from the plants along our walkway, hanging for all the world like holiday ornaments. Such a sight, such a sight.
Since I'm home bound for a spell while taking care of the Hubs that means I'll be sharing some of my favorite photos with everyone. While doing so I think perhaps participating in some of these popular memes might be sorta fun for a change. This is my first
Camera Critters entry.
Great Critter photo Debi. Love that Possumhaw Holly too!
Beautiful critter, and beautiful holly. I've never heard of deciduous holly before. Learn something new every day.
It's my first time on Camera Critters, too. What fun!
Alberta, Canada
Great contrast - the oranges and the reds. Love this, Debi. What a great photo.
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