Yesterday, I got out and away for the first time in a long, long, long time. My road trip bestest buddy Carroll, she of Eagle and White Pelican fame, called to invite me for lunch. We agreed to meet in the middle as The Hubs is now capable of spending some time by himself. He was probably as grateful for the break as I was! The Middle is Mooresville, Alabama, where they have a delightful cafe called Limestone Bay Trading Company.

The day was sunny and Just Right temperature-wise. Warm, but low humidity and low 80's. Perfect for gad-abouting and meeting a good friend. You've read my former posts about Mooresville and know how I love the place. I was looking forward to seeing it all duded up for Autumn, but apparently we were too early for autumnal decorations. But then again, the place is picture postcard worthy without decorations, and we were there to eat and gab anyway.

The pink muhley grasses were gorgeous! Mine have never, ever bloomed so I think a windy lakeside environment is not their favorite place to grow. Here, though, coupled with yellow lantana, merlot coleus and a sage (I think it was a sage) they basically steal the show.

Limestone Bay Trading Company's front porch.
Tall, aluminum containers held zebra grasses.
I loved this!
Tall, aluminum containers held zebra grasses.
I loved this!

Cool-o, neat-o birding decorations dangled in the breeze, welcoming us.

An outdoor party area was surrounded by a forest green picket fence adorned with all manner of cuteness.

Separating the outdoor area from a party area was a tall rustic wooden fence fitted with pretty stained glass windows, topped with wisteria.

The original blacksmith barn, which is nestled in behind the original stagecoach stopover building. We imagined a saloon was involved as well in some capacity. Beer and bread.

Rustic ladder hanging on the side of the blacksmith barn.

Hi there Debi, I'm soooo glad you got out and about and on such a loverrly day and with such a great friend! Perfick day me thinks. I like the look of Moorsville very much. How far is that from Grant?
What a sweet place to visit with a friend. Love the old birdhouse decorations. I'm sure hubby was glad you got out of the house.
Oh I'm happy now! So glad you got out with Carroll! I saw some pictures she posted on Morresville and was hoping you went with her! I love your pictures, I think they should have asked you for a permit!! hahahaha!! I would very much like to go there someday. Put me on the list for the next trip!
Hi Debi! Just let me add that I am happy you got out and about too. You have to feel like a new woman! And a wonderful lunch in a beautiful place with a friend. Just the ticket!
What a neat place. I will definitely have to put that on my list of places to visit since it's so near home.
Oh, these are so restful! I would love to stroll with you, have some lunch and just be for a bit! Love your photography, my friend! (Give Bobert a hug from me!)
This looks like such a lovely adventure! And with good company... even better :)
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