Cold, drizzly, wintery, gray day at Joe Wheeler State Park. New macro lens. Playin' around.
I confess to loving winter. This fact may stem from Fleetwood Mac's "Bare Trees" album long ago. Fleetwood Mac wasn't one of my favorite groups at the time but a good friend of mine had all their albums. (Vinyl!) Flipping through them one day the title of this particular album intrigued me. More importantly, it made me consider winter trees for the first time. An album by a reputable group was named after them so they must be special. I'd never given winter trees any thought at all before that day.
And they are special. I discovered at that young age the beauty of naked limbs reaching for the heavens, or twisting themselves into an artistic knot, all silhouette against whatever color of sky was delivered on any particular day. Upon closer inspection the textures and colors of bare, winter trees became even more interesting. Shaggy barks, mottled barks, red barks and the usual brown and gray barks adorned with nature's minutia of lichens and mosses began to fascinate. Even later came the discovery that birds live in dead snags and can be seen during winter much easier than in summer, and thus began a journey into birding.
Isn't it fascinating how one small thing in the mind of a child or teenager can create a hunger, a passion that follows into adulthood? Anyway, looking back at last year's photos of the mosses of Joe Wheeler State Park taken on a gray day while seeking bare trees I just got to thinkin' back.
GHT, I enjoy "think' back", but only the good things. Interesting how a favorite food, flower, a melody... can conjure those wonderful moments.
Several of the trees we plants over the past 15+ years are because of the bark: White Himalayan Birch, Paper Bark Maple, Sweet Gum, Sycamore... now that you mention it, interesting that I seldom look at the foliage on these trees. ;)
Have a great week.
Beautifully said. Although I'm not too much for the cold of winter I love the naked tree shapes against the sky. And I always enjoy looking into the small life in this big world. Excellent!
Moss is wonderful. :) And I love winter as well!
nice shot
Loren Eiseley said that the only way to really appreciate the forest is to view it in the winter. I think he's right.
I love going back in time Debi!
Let's make a plan to go take pictures of naked trees this winter! Even if it's just in your own backyard!! I bet we could get Bunnits to go too!!
Oh...........that's a great idea, Eve! Maybe...hey....maybe I'll hold a Bare Tree Photo Contest?! Who would enter? What would I give for a prize? Hm....talk amongst yourselves for a bit...let me think!
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